Hi there! As you may have guessed by the blog title, this post will be dedicated to the top reasons you should study abroad and the amazing time I spent studying in the Netherlands. I will go over things such as how and why I picked the Netherlands, why I decided to study abroad and what I did during my time there that made it well worth it. So let’s get started!
1. Why The Netherlands?
When faced with the question of picking a country to study abroad in, I was so overwhelmed! I had never traveled outside the country, and had no idea what country would suit me best. When it comes to deciding on a country to study abroad in, do your research! I had to ask myself these questions: Where do I see myself living? Where would I feel safe/comfortable? Is english commonly used? Is the University a good one? Are there things to do?
I decided on the Netherlands where it is centrally located to other countries, has amazing transportation, has a great Uni program and had lots of things to do. Once I arrived, I fell even more in love with the culture and realized this was by far the best country I could have studied abroad in.
2. How I came to Study Abroad? (And why you should too)
When I was in college, the thought of “studying abroad” hardly occurred to me as a reality. It was something I thought about as I would walk past the international fairs and posters across campus. When my junior year of college came, I took the step to attend a study abroad seminar. I had no idea if it was possible and if I had the guts to actually go through with it. But I attended anyway, in hopes of gaining more information.
The speaker at the seminar shared her experiences studying abroad and I was blown away! She seemed so well traveled and genuinely excited to share her story with others. Being in that room with other students like me I realized, wow this could very well be possible. All I would need is a good GPA, transcripts, letters of recommendation and money (there is financial aid and scholarships available). Once I had the info I needed and realized how simple it was, I was determined to follow through.
“Nobody can discover the world for somebody else. Only when we discover it for ourselves does it become common ground and a common bond and we cease to be alone.”
– Wendell Berry
If you are asking yourself if you should, or the idea has been lingering in your mind… I encourage you to take action. Attend a seminar, go online, talk to an advisor and do some research. I promise the process is not as scary or impossible as it may seem. It is possible and you can have a wonderful life experience that you will cherish forever.
3. What to do in the Netherlands?
Now time for the fun part. What is there to do in the Netherlands you may ask? TONS. Although I attended school in a student led city called Utretch, I was only 25 min train ride away from the bustling city of Amsterdam. As a student living in the city, It was nice to be surrounded by a community of college students. Utrecht, is one of the oldest cities in the Netherlands and also home to one of the top rated universities, Utrecht University.
The Netherlands was such a charming country with charming people. I found it easy to transition my life there as I attended school and was able to meet friends from all parts of the world! Most importantly, I felt safe and at home and if given the opportunity, would love to visit my second home again.